With Easter just around the corner, I wanted to spend some time sharing the true celebration of Easter with any whom choose to join me this morning.
I can not tell you how deeply important I feel the need to share this good news with you. It comes from my great love for anyone that might choose to open their heart to what I write here. I am praying that the Lord will do that, open your heart to truth about Jesus.
Most folks do believe Jesus the man lived in historical Israel during the time when Caesar Augustus, also known as Octavia, was emperor of the known world, the Roman Empire. They make a decision that Jesus was either a "good" teacher, or He was the Son of God. Those reading today probably identify with one of those points of view.
I would like to challenge your ideas of who Jesus really was and is. The argument that He was just a good teacher and a kind man cannot be true. He claimed to be God, in fact that is why the Jewish leaders at the time condemned Him to death-- for blasphemy. He worked miracles that showed control over nature, human body, and foreknowledge of the future. Jesus spoke with an immense understanding of Jewish ancient laws and scriptures. We, today, still have works written by witnesses to what they had heard and seen at that time, including non Christian Jewish historian writers. So we can conclude He did live here on earth.
But, I would pose the question that He could not have been just a "good" man, could He? Actually knowing what we do about the man, He would have had to have been a mental case to claim the things He did, perform signs, and then to allow His own execution without giving some kind of rebuttal for His accusers. He eventually lead His followers to also be willing to die excruciating deaths under Rome's horrible appetite for torture. So It might be more acceptable to just completely deny any good in Him, and write Him off as a another radical fool. May it never be.
The other point of view seems more likely. I completely believe that He is who He claimed to be, the Son of God. Only God has power over the natural elements, over human anatomy, knows the future, and understand His own laws perfectly.
It was God that created the Heavens and the Earth. We answer to Him because He made us. He is absolutely Holy and Righteous, and so He can not be near sin. He made the first man, Adam, and put him in a beautiful garden in the shiny new perfect earth. It was Satan, the creator of lies, that came to Eve, Adams new wife, and tempted her to disobey God's command.
Since that first sin (any act nonconforming to God's commands), the whole human race is born in sin. Romans 5:12 in the Bible says, "Therefore, just as through one man sin entered the world, and death through sin, and so death spread to all men..." I would ask you to think if you have sinned? I know that my life was defined with selfish and sinful behavior before I knew Christ. Romans 6:23 says," For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."
Since God is a just judge, He will punish sin and disobedience to His law. That punishment is death and eternal separation from Him. Those who are not His, will not be with Him in eternity. They will be with the one they followed here on earth, Satan.
That sounds cruel and hopeless. But I titled this post "Good News." Here is the wonderful news-- The God who created you, wants you to be His forever. Romans 6:23 tells us that, "For the wages of sin is death; but the free gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
I have demonstrated Jesus' gift of death on the cross to my children in this way. It is definitely not a perfect analogy but helps my sons understand:
A boy disobeys his father and mother so he will have a punishment, such as a spanking.
The mom pulls out the wooden spoon, but then Dad says he will take the boy's punishment in his place.
If the boy will accept Dad's gift, then he will not receive the punishment he deserves.
Instead the Daddy, that has done nothing wrong and does not deserve any consequence, will take the full punishment. Then, the boy will be completely absolved of all crimes committed. The boy obtains the dad's innocence, and the Dad assumes the responsibility and punishment in the boy's place. This, turns the son's heart to the Father.
We all have sinned and will be put before the ultimate judge. We deserve that judgement. But unlike us, Jesus (fully God and fully man) came down from heaven and lived a perfect blameless human life. He was the one that died a terrible death on the cross for crimes he did not commit. His final words on the cross were, "It is finished." This Greek phrase was also written on archeological found receipts of that time and meant, "Paid in full." Jesus' mission, spoken of since the beginning of time through the Old Testament, was accomplished. The debt that we owe for our sin was paid in full. His perfect life here on earth and His holiness was more than enough to cancel out our wrong doings. His righteous life in exchange for our condemned one. Romans 5:19 says," For as through one man's disobedience the many were made sinners, even so through the obedience of One the many were made righteous."
Romans 5:8 states," But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us."
What we are celebrating on Easter Sunday is that Jesus, perfect man, could not be held by the grave. He rose from the dead and continues to reign over His followers today.
So that leaves us with my original thought, "Was Jesus just another good teacher? Was He a mad man?" Do you deny He is who He said he was? No, He is as He claimed to be. He is God. And, if you too believe that He is, and that He came to give His life so that you might have the gift of eternal life with Him, then Romans 10:9 says; "That if you confess with your mouth Jesus as Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you shall be saved." And, Romans 10:13,"For whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved." If we truly believe He is God, then we have no other choice but to change and submit to Him.
In response to this gift of life, absolution from our offense, and full payment of our debt; we give our hearts to the Heavenly Father. We ask forgiveness for our sin and repent of them. We receive the promise of the Holy spirit to come and help us become truly our Father's children by following in obedience after Him. We are baptized to show others what He has done for us. We put off the old self and put on the new righteousness of Christ.
There is nothing we can do to gain an audience with the Holy Creator of the universe. I cannot even imagine gaining access to the president of the U.S. In God's eyes we are lawbreakers and can never measure up.
So if we are hoping that our good will out weigh the bad, and He will accept that as good enough. Man, it has to be hard living life trying to gain more merits than demerits. The truth is, in God's court we are just guilty. We can only hope in His grace to us by faith in Jesus alone. Ephesians 2:8 says," For by grace you have been saved through faith; and not of your selves, it is the gift of God, not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them."
I hope that you will examine your heart today. I am praying that our Lord will open your eyes to the truth that we are all sinners in need of redemption. A savior has come in Jesus, and believing in Him you may have life. This truth will change your heart from self to following a new King over your life.
He died and rose again so that you might also be resurrected from the dead!!!!