Friday, December 20, 2013

Today's McCarthyism

File:Anticommunist Literature 1950s.pngMy last post on Duck Dynasty was posted only one day before the big Phil Robertson GQ article fall out. And please believe me, I had no clue of the storm that was brewing. If you are not sure of what I'm referring, and you too are a Duck Dynasty fan-- I encourage you to Bing or Google. Whatever your search engine pleasure.

My boys are receiving a more confused view of the world around them than ever before. We recently walked away from nearly a decade of working with the Boy Scouts of America. It was over their decision to finally cave in and allow boys that wish to engage in homosexual behavior to join after years of pressure from the folks of GLAAD and other Pro-Homosexual groups. This decision devastated my family in that we left an organization founded in a hundred years of heritage, and that we still dearly love. Our family does not wish to deprive any young man the right to join a boys organization. We simply had to stand for the rights of private conservative groups or businesses like BSA to state that homosexuality is wrong. If only BSA had continued to be firm in that fight that they had pursued all the way to the supreme court only years before, we would be working on my son's Eagle rank over this next year.

Talking this over with the older young men in our family, they made the admirable decision to step away from specific goals and special friends to vote with their feet. They wanted a message to go out to the main stream media that the homosexual agenda could not bully them. They still have the right in America to state that homosexuality is a sin. If the BSA was going to stifle that right, then hopefully the world would see a fall-out by loss in the group's membership.

Now, my sons' favorite show's Phil Robertson from the A&E Network's popular Duck Dynasty is the next victim of, what my husband saw coined  last night on CNN's Twitter chatter, the "homosexual mafia bullies." Phil was suspended from the show for his comments to GQ magazine that homosexuality is a sin. I do encourage you to find and read the whole article. We do not want to make uninformed judgments. I did read it, and Phil is blunt and sometimes crude in his discussion. But I do agree with his views of God's Word on homosexual behavior.

The media and Hollywood are now having a hay-day. Gay and Lesbian spokespeople are enjoying the limelight shining on a topic that is near and dear to them, that homosexuality should be considered normal and those that will not except it are hateful. They have constructed a clever bandwagon campaign. The rhetoric offers a red herring that redirects the true focus by regenerating a new form of the civil rights movement of the 60's. They have been successful in  leading Americans to believe that anyone stating that their sexual choices are wrong are really hateful bigots and suppressing their equal rights. I am in unbelief that African Americans are not outraged to be equated with the homosexual crowd. In my mind sexual behavior and skin color are completely different issues. The civil rights movement of the 60's was peacefully led by profound men like Martin Luther King Jr., and the protests were much needed here in the south that was sadly still promoting inhumane practices such as segregation by skin color alone, to say the least.

I am currently reading Ronald Reagan's Autobiography An American Life. He is actually one of my heroes. A popular actor in Hollywood during the 1940s and 50s before becoming our 40th president. He, against much opposition among his acting peers, fought against communism in Hollywood after World War II. He was an informant for the government and actually helped exonerate many celebrities  that were labeled "Red."  He saw the future detriment of Marxist propaganda penetrating show business. He wanted to stop what he had fought against in Hitler's regime.

 Again in 1950-1956 Senator Joseph McCarthy brought a new communism scare to the U.S. Many Hollywood a-listers were unfairly black listed and called before congress to deny their affiliation with the communist party. Most Americans wanted to vet out these risks to the very freedoms that made our country different than any other. I am not supporting nor negating those proceedings. Definitely not a lover of Communism, but I also do not propose to go about labeling folks as Ruskies.

Arthur Miller, famous Broadway playwright, penned his play The Crucible in response to this phenomenon of widespread cold war panic listing any questionable person as an espionage leading communist. Miller's play takes the audience back to Salem, Massachusetts- 1692 in which it portrays with  historical accuracy many innocent God fearing town folk labeled by a group of young girls as "witches", tried, and then unjustly executed.

In those times the conservatives were the majority and the current world view. Major communications were quick to call out anything that seemed evil. Funny that I can be referring to either the 1950's or the 1600's in that previous statement.  Although, I do believe that much hypocrisy was being lived out in the average day to day goings on of both times.  Let's not fool ourselves as conservatives of today. It is sometimes those in the name of Christ that do the most harm to his name. So we do have to give an answer for those moments in history in which Christian's were reading the same Bible that I currently have on my bedside table, but we understood it from 2 completely different points of view  (to paraphrase a quote I read recently by Lincoln). But now the tables have turned, and  it is the Christian of today that is labeled in the witch hunt of the current media Hollywood frenzied environment. According to mainstream news I should be wearing a big letter "C" and stand in the square for all to shame. I am judged and therefore condemned  a...dum dum dum...Christian! Gasp!!!!

I agree with Sarah Palin (not sure I dreamed I would ever say that LOL) that "free speech is an endangered species." It is really freedom to have religion that is what is at stake here. I have a degree from a Forbes list top private college, and I seem to be labeled backwards and not evolved in my thinking. In a time that churches seem the most accepting and loving of everyone, It is the homosexual movement that frankly is pushy and unaccepting of other's beliefs. The First Amendment provides the right and freedom for my family to practice religion. I choose to practice Christianity and follow the Bible,  which man has practiced from creation (that's been around awhile, huh?). It is no secret Christians believe homosexuality is sin.

Christians, I encourage you to join me in this war against the opinion of negativity towards Christianity. The progression logically leads to liberals labeling a mom like me a Bible radical, told by today's "Biblical scholars" at the universities that I must not understand It's more practical modern meaning. I'm tired of being touted as a hate mongering cult extremist like fanatical Muslims that misinterpret the Koran brain washed to terrorism. It is not right for me to ever fear  being brought up on charges of bullying. So, I will not be cowardly about interpreting the Bible as written, and I will continue to exercise my right to be an educated Christian that contributes to the GOOD of this country. Where have we gone in America when it is the Christian, the ones that still teach morals, that are labeled "the bad guys?"

I am not in dismay. From the beginning sin has found its way to propagate the world. But I have a blessed hope. For Christ said that He has overcome the world. I know who get's it in the end, the author of sin. And truthfully, it would totally be me with him, for I am a great sinner. But along with Phil, I believe my hope is my trust in Jesus Christ.  He is the only pure Holy One. We all would do better to be gracious to one another. For Jesus came to save the sick. The religious men of His time wondered why He was spending His time with the tax gatherers and the sinners. He came to His own and they did not accept Him. If I can love you? Can you love me?

Please write BSA and or A&E and let them hear the voice of Christians. There are several petitions to sign in support for Phil Robertson online. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. They are sadly squeaking louder than we are. We can not sit on the sidelines and wonder why it is not acceptable to be a Christian in America anymore.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Duck Dynasty Revolution

Posters, shirts, books, rugs, towels, pillows, action figures, hats, dvds, tea glasses, duct tape, and don't forget...of course, duck calls. Willie Robertson, I salute you, buddy. You are the merchandising king!!! Not to be out-beat by Disney, huh Dude?

Our family loves the show Duck Dynasty on A&E, and obviously so does the rest of America. It is a number one rated program with merchandise flying off the shelf this Christmas. My kids even dressed up with their buddies as the Quack Pack for their Halloween costumes. We had 6 bearded boys trick or treating, Jack.

Why all the fuss over some camo clad hairy hunters from Louisiana? Let me tell you why we are so fascinated with the show. Our family, like many others, are starved for television that we can sit and enjoy together. Most of the options out there for television viewing are not appropriate for kids. Face it. Honestly, it is not even appropriate for us adults. But every Wednesday after church our family can settle down for some good silly fun.

The Robertson family has developed a program that stresses the importance of faith, love of family, and joy of passing heritage on to the young-uns. It's full of shenanigans and goofiness. Everyone needs a little more Uncle Si in there life. Am I right? But the relief is the fact that the fun and jokes can be enjoyed by all. They actually require a sense of humor and creativity, not the same jr. high dirty joke fair that every other sit com offers. We see the family pray and discuss their relationship with God. Unheard of! The brothers may play pranks, but always end the show with making a point to share their love for and loyalty to one another. And just when most folks think only nerds or hermits camp, fish, and hunt-- the Robertson clan share those long time outdoor traditions with their young children... and us. Bring on the very masculine cool factor.

Our family does not mind supporting their efforts by purchasing every bit of duck paraphernalia they push. We vote more family friendly conservative offerings on tv.

 Mr. Televison Exec, the one that lines up the programs for the big networks. Get the hint... More Duck Dynasty and less tawdry tales!!! 

Friday, December 13, 2013

These are a Few of My Favorite Things

Raindrops and roses and whiskers on kittens
Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens
Brown paper packages tied up with strings
These are a few of my favorite things...

I thought I would write down some of my favorite things for Favorite Things Friday. 

Disclaimer: This is totally a materialistic list. It is not to be deep, nor meaningful as to the things in my life that hold true eternal value. It's just a fun glance at simple things that I really enjoy. God given everyday pleasures that make me smile.

My I Phone-

Don't laugh those of you that know how long it took me to accept this device due to my being technically challenged.

My Record Player-

With a complete turn around. My old fashioned record player is one of my favorite gifts my husband ever gave me. I listen to albums I pick up at Half Price Book Store. I have reassembled a collection from my yester-years.

Hallmark Channel-

I love the sappy shows on Hallmark channel. They are clean and have the full on cheese factor.

My Grandmother's Hats-

In my home you will see many things that belonged to both of my grandmothers. They were very special women in my life. One of my favorite things that belonged to my Grandma L was her hats. Hanging on a hat rack in our dining room are 5 to 6 of her hats that she used to wear in the 50's and 60's when women wore hats all the time. They are beautiful and unique. I enjoy looking at their design, colors, and textures, as well as, wearing them on occasion.

My Kitchen aid Mixer-

It's red and shiny. It was given to me by my mom. Both of us are not cooks. But with my mixer I feel like one. It is the most expensive piece of baking equipment I own. Take a look at me now Buddy the Cake Boss. (I love him too).

Scarves, Scarves, and More Scarves-

Warm and Trendy, Warm and Trendy, Warm and Trendy

Anything Sparkly-

Whether jewelry, shoes, handbags, or accessories, I love all that glitters. It is the girlie girl inside of me. When I was a teenager black was cool and pink and shiny were not. They were thought little girlish. Well now that I am in my 40's and have all boys. Girlish is soooooooo cool.

Camping Equipment-

Just as much as I love to be girlie, I love to camp. I was a Campfire girl growing up, and I know how to rough it. We are camping gear junkies here. There is nothing more fun than sitting around the campfire with your friends singing and roasting s'mores.

My collection of children's books-

I have my own library of children's books. You can say I am a collector. I love the smell of books. I feakishly admire other's built in shelving. From Pippi Longstocking to Encyclopedia Brown, these are welcome friends that make their home among my stacks.

Candles and Febreeze-

Aromatherapy Baby!

Our Disney stuff-

My home at times literally looks like Disney World exploded. We have movies, games, Infinity, books, stuffed animals, action figures, sheets, pjs, and more...much more!!! I know Disney gets a lot of controversy among conservative Christians, but I am one conservative Mama that does not miss a movie. I remember when I was a girl and the Wonderful World of Disney came on t.v. We were lucky in those days if Mary Poppins ran on t.v. I remember seeing The Rescuer's and  Herbie Goes Bananas in the movie theatre. Disney is all make believe and everything magical about childhood. I'm wishing upon a star right now...

My Anne of Green Gable VHS Tapes-

I love these movies with Megan Follows. Snuggle by the fire with a cup of tea and settle in for an Anne Shirley marathon. She's a teacher, she's dramatic, and she lived in the early 1900's (that's Charlotte Mason times :))

Broadway Show Tunes-

I clean to songs like Dreamgirls, Dancing Queen, and Don't Cry for Me Argentina. Seriously!!!

My Bassets

My sweet Murry and my new boy Copper. They are so loving and such sweet boys. I could cuddle and snuggle their soft sable furry wrinkles all day.

My Bible-

I know I said this was a materialistic non-deep list. But honestly my One Year Bible has changed my life. I read an entry a day. I do not look at the dates on the top. That always used to hang me up. I would start my One Year Bible on Jan. 1 then by Jan. 15 I was really off. So, the Bible got shelved until next New Year. It revolutionized my quiet time when I released the whole, "read it thru in one year by following the date at the top of the page" thing. I think my current Bible date says October something. When I finish reading it completely through I begin again. It is my love letter from my first love. It is all about our precious God, who He is and what He wants us to be.

Saturday, December 7, 2013

You Know You Need Coffee When



You are woken up by two big bassets drooling on your face.

You pass by Mc D's and the Caramel Frappe calls to you, "Forget your diet. You know you want to  come and pick me up. I'm here... come get me."

It's 2:00 in the afternoon and to your children it is the Looney Tune hour. Wooo Hoooo Hoooo Wooo Hooo Hooo Woo. But to you it is, yawn, naptime.

You have just held a 15 minute conversation with your child in the backseat of your van, only to realize you dropped him off at class a while back and he is not even in the vehicle. Oops ;)

The caffeine headache has begun to creep in.
You look everywhere for the sunglasses that are on your head.

You try to explain algebra to your totally teenage son.

It's a chilly winter Texas day and the fire is going.

You turn the van around to check if the garage is shut more than once a week.
You try to explain how to be a good loser to your little guy.

Coca Cola is not available.

When no one can agree on what Wii game to play and it leads to a physical brawl pile up in the living room.

When Jimmy Fallon is just too funny to miss.

You have Mr. C's So papilla Cheesecake. Mrs. C must also like coffee. Come to think of it Mr. and Mrs. C need to come over for So papilla cheesecake and coffee.

It is offered free with foofy creamer. 

You have been wearing one dangly earring all day.

You were up way too late watching Jimmy Fallon and it's time to wake up and teach homeschool.

You ask sternly five times who left something out in the wrong place, only to be told by a sweet voice, "I think it was you, mom." Oh, sorry.

You think it is totally trendy and cool for an over forty mom to wear a smokey eye. Only to go to piano lessons with black goo buggers in the creases and mascara sweat under your eyes. Ah la Alice Cooper. Don't be scared sweet piano teacher.

You drive your husband's brand new car and have no idea how to work the air. So when it is hot outside you blow the blazen hot heater inside the car and vice versa. "We'll be there in 15 minutes boys just deal with it," you say to your kiddos in the backseat. Crud! I dropped them off. It's just me in here.

Your husband brews it for you in the morning while you are still in bed. Quietly, the warm aroma wafts over you and draws you to the kitchen.

As my man and I always say every morning, "It's time to make the donuts..."

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Glitter, Sparkle, Shine

Holiday parties are coming! I thought I would share some inexpensive drug store skin care and cosmetic products to glam us up for the festivities. You can find these on my bathroom counter:

Daily Facial Cleanser
Every morning I shower with Cetaphil. It gently washes my face.
Olay Ultra Moisture Body Wash with Shea Butter - 23.6 oz

Olay Ultra Moisture Body Wash. Smells amazing, and it claims a jar of Olay moisturizer in each bottle. Smooth!

 Garnier Nutritioniste Ultra-Lift Anti-Wrinkle Firming Moisturizer Lotion SPF 15
After my face is nice and clean I love to hydrate it with Garnier Ultra-Lift Anti-Wrinkle Firming Moisturizer with SPF 15 sun protection for the day.

For crows feet, dark circles, and puffiness around the eyes I love Simple Revitalizing Eye Roll On.
"A Roll On?" you say. It has a rolling ball that feels like a little eye massage every night and morning.

ChapStick Lip Moisturizer Skin Protectant Lip Balm, SPF 15 Green Apple

Never underestimate the power of Chap Stick, especially this time of year. Apple flavor is my favorite.

Aveeno Active Naturals Daily Moisturizing Lotion for dry hands and skin.
L'Oreal Paris True Match Super-Blendable Liquid Makeup SPF 17

L'Oreal Paris True Match Super Blendable  Liquid Foundation with SPF 17. I love this foundation. It truly has a color to match every special skin color-goes on liquid and dries like a powder.

Maybelline Dream Bouncy Blush
Maybelline New York Dream Bouncy Blush feels like a mousse cloud in a cute little pot, ready for the artist's palette--- And it has fun colors like pink frosting and coffee cake.
Wetslicks Fruit Spritzers
Covergirl Wetslicks are the perfect flavored lip gloss. These are just like Estee Lauder Juicy Tubes that Julia Roberts said in an interview they are her favorite. The Covergirl Wetslicks are a fraction of the cost.

Great Lash® Washable Mascara

My favorite Mascara is tried and true Maybelline Great Lash the same old pink and green one from the 80's.

intense i-color bold nudes kit

Almay Intense Eye Color kits come with lid, crease, and brow highlight color. They have one to make your specific eye color pop, then a smokey eye, and a shimmer option.

Sally's Finger Paint nail polish is fun with a array of colors. Go glitter for the holidays!

Tresemme Extra Hold Hair Spray to hold that up party doo in place.
Clairol Natural Instincts Non-Permanent Hair Color Medium Auburn Brown 22
Clairol Natural Instincts Hair color. To cover the gray but not permanent. I'm cool medium brown.

Cranberry Twinkle Shower Gel - Signature Collection - Bath & Body Works
Cranberry Twinkle Shower Gel - Signature Collection - Bath & Body WorksCranberry Twinkle Shower Gel - Signature Collection - Bath & Body WorksCranberry Twinkle Shower Gel - Signature Collection - Bath & Body Works
Bath and Body Works everything! From lotion, to shower gel, to dish soap, to antibacterial, to body spray, candles, and even night time scents to relax you to sleep. We love it all!

Garnier Refreshing Makeup Remover Wipes to wipe it all away before bed. They smell soooooo good!

 Oozles is in Watauga on Denton Hwy by Target. It is the $1 store for jewelry. You can find fun necklaces, earrings, rings, and bracelets for, yes, a BUCK! A little bling to wear to your thing.

Have fun being girlie this holiday season. Spruce up and enjoy those Christmas and New Year events