Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Duck Dynasty Revolution

Posters, shirts, books, rugs, towels, pillows, action figures, hats, dvds, tea glasses, duct tape, and don't forget...of course, duck calls. Willie Robertson, I salute you, buddy. You are the merchandising king!!! Not to be out-beat by Disney, huh Dude?

Our family loves the show Duck Dynasty on A&E, and obviously so does the rest of America. It is a number one rated program with merchandise flying off the shelf this Christmas. My kids even dressed up with their buddies as the Quack Pack for their Halloween costumes. We had 6 bearded boys trick or treating, Jack.

Why all the fuss over some camo clad hairy hunters from Louisiana? Let me tell you why we are so fascinated with the show. Our family, like many others, are starved for television that we can sit and enjoy together. Most of the options out there for television viewing are not appropriate for kids. Face it. Honestly, it is not even appropriate for us adults. But every Wednesday after church our family can settle down for some good silly fun.

The Robertson family has developed a program that stresses the importance of faith, love of family, and joy of passing heritage on to the young-uns. It's full of shenanigans and goofiness. Everyone needs a little more Uncle Si in there life. Am I right? But the relief is the fact that the fun and jokes can be enjoyed by all. They actually require a sense of humor and creativity, not the same jr. high dirty joke fair that every other sit com offers. We see the family pray and discuss their relationship with God. Unheard of! The brothers may play pranks, but always end the show with making a point to share their love for and loyalty to one another. And just when most folks think only nerds or hermits camp, fish, and hunt-- the Robertson clan share those long time outdoor traditions with their young children... and us. Bring on the very masculine cool factor.

Our family does not mind supporting their efforts by purchasing every bit of duck paraphernalia they push. We vote more family friendly conservative offerings on tv.

 Mr. Televison Exec, the one that lines up the programs for the big networks. Get the hint... More Duck Dynasty and less tawdry tales!!! 

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