Today I am feeling a little fluffy. So, this entry is going to be pure fluff- fun. Last summer I found a little show on TLC called What Not To Wear. It has been on for years, and I had no clue. Probably because we did not have any type of cable before then :). If you have not ever caught the show, the premise is that two NYC designers Stacy London and Clinton Kelly choose someone who is completely fashion inept. They surprise the unsuspecting sloppy dresser. Then, offer them a credit card in exchange for all their current wardrobe. The catch is that they may use the credit card to buy a whole new wardrobe only if they follow the hosts' "style rules".
At first glance this show seems like another spotlight on materialism and self-centered ness. You would think that these highly successful New York stylist would throw in some crazy trendy, new-ist en-vogue fashion, Sarah Jessica Parker, type stuff for these average folks to wear. Being a reality show it would give the impression that the focus is to tear down some innocent person that maybe has their own taste of clothing. Often bringing them to tears. But as I have enjoyed watching the show, I have grown to realize what I consider to be it's true message. Now don't get me wrong-- this is not a Biblically focused show and is put on by worldly tv. But the point of Stacy and Clinton's work on the show requires the person they are helping to think about what image they are putting out there. In other words, what their outside says about their inside.
Many ladies that come on the show have the preconception that women that spend time on their appearance must think they are, "All that and a bag of chips." The sloppy dresser or far out dresser that has been selected as the "victim" swears that they can never wear a planned wardrobe. They have never seen themselves so "put together." I get the feeling they think that dressing well is only for highly successful model types and not for everyone. Armed with helpful tips from the show they realize, they too, can give some thought to their appearance.
I have to say that I have considered and grown a new appreciation for this somewhat obvious view that what I'm wearing says volumes about me. Being a homeschool mom it seems that I am always running. I have little time or budget for clothes. This little show on TLC actually helped me out. So I thought I would share some thoughts from it with you. Please note that these ideas are not my own. I give complete credit to Stacy London and Clinton Kelly. Except for two things and I will note those when I come to them.
First, your appearance speaks loudly as to who you are. I am sad that we live in such a superficial society. But, it is true my friend. People make assessments about you by your appearance. You can say "smart and professional", or you can say "tired-- haven't had a bath-- feel like I need coffee." Please don't think I am saying that we Christian's should judge people by what they wear. We are to look beyond the surface to the heart. I am saying that others will look at our outward appearance to sum up who we are. It is like the book jacket on a book. We Christian's should know better than to judge the book by it's cover, but society as a whole-- busy as it is, makes very quick assumptions.
So simmering on this I asked my self, "What do I want people to think about me when they first meet me?" I do not wish to fulfill that homeschool ideal of a jumper, no makeup, and super long hair. (Although I often do have long hair, this is due to my laziness to go in to get it cut. Good thing I am not writing on hair styles here. I am very behind there and right now need to color! No matter how much I wish it, gray highlights do not say cool-mature. At least on this head anyway.) What do I want people to see?---Professional, intelligent, successful, thought-out. That seemed really worldly just writing it. Stay with me and we will get to how that accomplishes our goals as belonging to Christ.
Here is the problem, "I have no money or time to put outfits together." Here is where the show What Not To Wear comes in with advice to help us. Below is a list of a few pieces each of us should own:
1 Nice cocktail or evening dress
4 day dresses
1 pair of straight leg dark denim jeans
6 blouses
2 cardigans
1 denim jacket
4-5 camis or tanks (With these under your shirt you can open yourself up to many new blouses or dresses that might have seemed revealing before).
2 blazer jackets
1 black peep toe heel
1 red heel
1 ballet flat
1 wedge
1 sandal
1 clutch
1 everyday bag
5 necklaces
5 bangles
5 earings
The above list is totally from What Not To Wear.
I would add:
Skirts-Pencil and Full.
And Boots
Also Slacks-- gray, black, and brown.
The show would also tell you to choose blouses that have structure. This means that they are not just a t-shirt. They might have a ruffle, ruche-ing , a collar, come in at the waist, etc. I really love shirts that are made out of that spandexy material. The ones I can wash and then throw on the floor, and they never wrinkle. The only thing about these is to look for something that makes them a little more than a t-shirt. Some type of design at the neck for example.
So next, I set out with my list. I can only buy one item every now and then. I definitely don't have a credit card for a whole new wardrobe. But when I do have some extra money I choose to replace something in my old wardrobe for one of the above. Stacy and Clinton would not agree with where I shop. I go to the thrift store :) I love Thrift Town and Goodwill. They carry so many name brands and at my price!!! I can only go when I can set aside some time to look. My guys will not go near there. They do not like to shop for long periods of time. I also hit Ross and Walmart. Yes, I believe you can follow "the rules" on a budget. Another place that is fun and has inexpensive jewelry is Charming Charlie. Then, Payless has super cute shoes for yes---less.
That reminds me of a story. I have a friend that moved away. But I remember when she lived here. We went to church together. She always dressed sooooo cute with matching jewelry. I knew she must, "shop at all the best stores, daaaarling." She had the best personality and always so joyful. I asked her where she bought all her clothes. "Oh, Cindy, I only shop at Walmart." See, it is not about the budget, girls.
The idea here is to gather pieces that can easily be mixed and matched. Somewhat like Garanimals.Stacy and Clinton would say to mix and match neutrals, patterns, and shine to make an outfit. Here is an example:
Denim Jacket - Neutral
Black Pant- Neutral
Red Heel- Neutral
Blouse-- Pattern
Jewelry--Red and Shine
Then it does not take too much time to grab, put on, and go.
Now one more tip that has helped me from the show. Dressing for your body type. I have a pear shaped body and I am about 30 pounds overweight. So I will only discuss that type. For me layering is very concealing and camouflaging. I want to do what I can to create the illusion that I am thinner. So let me introduce... the jacket or cardigan sweater. It does wonders! I also love dark pants or straight leg denim jeans. Wearing a belt at my waist also creates an hour glass look.
I have really made an effort in the past few years to try to fix my hair, wear makeup, and dress professionally on a regular basis. [What Not to Wear makeup artist Carmindy is the inventor of the five minute face. I can do 5 minute makeup :).] Does this mean you will never see me in a ball cap, jog suit, and no makeup? No, I have days that that is my outfit. And believe me I am not headed to the gym. LOL. But, the idea that others are looking at my appearance and determining what I must be about has made an impact on me. So I have found that with the right tools in my closet and making an effort in the morning to take a few extra minutes, I can pay more attention to my appearance. Am I a fashion model? Definitely not! Am I wearing the most trendy in style clothes? No. But,I do look the best for me. My husband appreciates it as well.
So now when I have the opportunity to represent Christ, home schooling, my family, my teaching I can put my best foot forward. People will get a good impression. Somewhat like a job interview's first impression.
Please do not confuse me with saying I want people to think I am somebody, believe me I am not. I will be the first to say I bought this necklace at Walmart. Love Walmart, man! But I do want to put my best foot forward as a representative of all those things I mentioned above. First and foremost every opportunity to give glory to God. Even in my appearance as His bond-servant.
Hope this helps in some way---Tune in to What Not to Wear sometime for more tips.I also have their website in my favorite links.
Note: Please don't overly examine my outfit the next time I see you. Remember I am just a student and Stacy and Clinton are the professionals :)
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