I have been thinking and praying over whether to address the tragedy that happened in Connecticut last Friday. I had really decided to not discuss it here in a blog meant for fun. Then I changed my mind this morning. I decided if I have the opportunity to share hope in the midst of such sorrow, the Lord would want me to do so.
Having been a teacher for over 20 years and having a child close in age to the victims of last Friday's school shooting in New England, I have, like many of you, been continuing to grieve with and pray for those that are bearing such unbelievable pain this holiday. It was only the week before, Friday Dec. 7th, that I heard of another close family friend's son that was a victim of such violence. Understanding our Lord's sovereignty in all things I felt I had no where else to go, but to humbly come to the Heavenly Father with my question of , "Why?"
I reminded myself that who am I to ask the one who created all things His reasons or plans for the lives of men. So I came humbly in prayer to the only One who has the answers. Our Lord is truly wonderful when we seek Him. When we look at Jesus', Son of God, time on earth He always listened and answered questions so patiently, whether it was a Samarian woman at the well or a rich young ruler. I do not recall a verse that Jesus says, "What a dumb question." So here in my asking, the Holy Spirit patiently pointed me to His Word, the Scriptures, to focus on what I know is true about God's character.
These are only a few thoughts that were brought to my mind. God is the author and sustain-er of all things that are good. So where was the good in this tragedy, Lord? God was there in the principal and psychologist that heroically without one thought to their own protection ran out in to that hall way to protect their students. He was in the brave teachers that died covering and protecting their precious little pupils. He was there with the other teachers and students protecting them in bathrooms and closets through-out the school. He was in the first responders, the firefighters and the police officers. It was our Holy Father that created the beautiful talented children that were the joy of their parents who were the victims in this horrible crime. It could only be Him that helped a father of one of the fallen children to say that his thoughts were also with the family of the shooter because they have lost loved ones too.
When I think on the character of Yahweh, I know this also to be true-- not only is He completely holy and good, He is never wrong and He hates sin and evil. It is not the least bit rooted in Him. He hates it so much that He demands justice for all sin. We can be assured that this shooter will have his day in court to face a more superior judge than any here on earth. Romans 12:19 says, "Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, "Vengeance is mine, I will repay says the Lord.""
I'm not sure that anything I write here can be of comfort (it definitely does not answer all of our questions), but I do want to relate some hope by directing you to our Heavenly Father.
Reality is-- From the time of Adam and Eve, the world is full of darkness, evil, and sin. Left to ourselves we would also deserve God's judgement. But He didn't leave us there without rescue. Where the world has become dark, He has sent the Light of the world. Wickedness will continue to spread and grow if there is no intervention to stop it. God loved mankind so much that he interceded on our behalf. He sent His Son, also holy, undeserving of death to die in our place. We now have hope of eternal life without sin, sickness, death. Eternal life with the Holy One. In James 1:17, James the half brother of Jesus writes," Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow." Jesus said in John 8:12 "I am the light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness but will have the Light of life." We must believe, turn from our own sin, and follow Him. He is the one to save us. We can share the true Light that scatters the darkness to run and hide.
Can I also just put out there?--- I am a republican and still I understand the desire to talk on gun control. People want to do something to prevent such horrors. I agree Republicans and Democrats can do much better to work together for the good of all. But...Can I add violent games and movies to the discussion? Can I add moral character and the teaching of the sanctity of life? The appreciation of humanity and soul?
I heard on CNN that the U.S. is looking to study Japan because they have little gun violence. If I am not mistaken in the Asian culture they hold high the idea of family honor. They deeply respect their elder citizens. We do not have a culture that propagates these ideals.
I understand that it was William Wilberforce of England, the one that fought for the abolition of slavery in England avoiding the costly civil war we had here in the states, who also fought for the teaching of moral character that had deteriorated in England's education system during the 1800's. I find his cause also applies to our times here in the U.S. In an article from Sovereign Grace Theological Seminary; William Wilberforce: The Great 18th Century Cultural Reformer
"It needs to be noted that the abolition of slave trade was not the only item on Wilberforce’s agenda. He was deeply exercised about the declining morals in the English community, which, according to him, was the nursery in which criminal elements were being hatched. As far as Wilberforce was concerned, there were too many hangings taking place. And the best way to deal with them was not merely to enact stiffer laws but to campaign for better morals in society."
All this said, I understand that evil will find it's way in the world. But Jesus said in John 16:33 "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” Good wins out every time!
Continue to pray for those in Newtown and for our country.
Listen toWonderful, Merciful, Savior by Selah
I'm not sure that anything I write here can be of comfort (it definitely does not answer all of our questions), but I do want to relate some hope by directing you to our Heavenly Father.
Reality is-- From the time of Adam and Eve, the world is full of darkness, evil, and sin. Left to ourselves we would also deserve God's judgement. But He didn't leave us there without rescue. Where the world has become dark, He has sent the Light of the world. Wickedness will continue to spread and grow if there is no intervention to stop it. God loved mankind so much that he interceded on our behalf. He sent His Son, also holy, undeserving of death to die in our place. We now have hope of eternal life without sin, sickness, death. Eternal life with the Holy One. In James 1:17, James the half brother of Jesus writes," Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow." Jesus said in John 8:12 "I am the light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness but will have the Light of life." We must believe, turn from our own sin, and follow Him. He is the one to save us. We can share the true Light that scatters the darkness to run and hide.
Can I also just put out there?--- I am a republican and still I understand the desire to talk on gun control. People want to do something to prevent such horrors. I agree Republicans and Democrats can do much better to work together for the good of all. But...Can I add violent games and movies to the discussion? Can I add moral character and the teaching of the sanctity of life? The appreciation of humanity and soul?
I heard on CNN that the U.S. is looking to study Japan because they have little gun violence. If I am not mistaken in the Asian culture they hold high the idea of family honor. They deeply respect their elder citizens. We do not have a culture that propagates these ideals.
I understand that it was William Wilberforce of England, the one that fought for the abolition of slavery in England avoiding the costly civil war we had here in the states, who also fought for the teaching of moral character that had deteriorated in England's education system during the 1800's. I find his cause also applies to our times here in the U.S. In an article from Sovereign Grace Theological Seminary; William Wilberforce: The Great 18th Century Cultural Reformer
"It needs to be noted that the abolition of slave trade was not the only item on Wilberforce’s agenda. He was deeply exercised about the declining morals in the English community, which, according to him, was the nursery in which criminal elements were being hatched. As far as Wilberforce was concerned, there were too many hangings taking place. And the best way to deal with them was not merely to enact stiffer laws but to campaign for better morals in society."
All this said, I understand that evil will find it's way in the world. But Jesus said in John 16:33 "I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation. But take heart; I have overcome the world.” Good wins out every time!
Continue to pray for those in Newtown and for our country.
Listen toWonderful, Merciful, Savior by Selah
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