Well I did it! I started a blog. I've wanted to for a long while. Those who know me are laughing right now because I have refused to step into the 21st century. I don't even do Facebook. Who knows when I will actually download a personal family picture. (I will try to figure that out here real soon-hee hee). The reason for the blog then? Well, I have many thoughts on many subjects. Soooo, I thought I would put them out there. For fun, you know.
My first subject I want to put out there in the cyber world is about Christmas.
Every year I feel this December whirl wind coming on. Don't you? Recitals, concerts, finishing out school work, shopping, wrapping, decorating, cooking, partying, and the list goes on. Activity after activity. Sure they are all fun, and we wouldn't want to miss out on any of it. But after the family has met, and the presents are opened...when all the festivities have been said and done...boy, what wonderful Christmas memories, and all the traditions checked off for another year. The real question is did we make time for the main thing?
At my house we wake up early and we are off and running. I find that unless I get up while it is still dark, and my kids are still asleep I miss out on the most important part of my day. That's the time when I locate my Daily Bible, the Holy Ancient Scriptures in a really cool hardback available in my everyday language. I feast on God's Word for a few quiet moments before coffee and the craziness of our lives begin. My challenge to myself and to anyone that may possibly read this is to find a quiet moment in the wonderful chaos of the season to focus on the most important part of it. It will take commitment and planning. Maybe we should write it on our calendars." The Lord's Day, December 16th, I will spend the afternoon focusing on Jesus."
Actually December 25th is not technically Jesus' birthday. Spoiler alert :)*(see added note below). But it is the time that many Christians come together and celebrate His birth as a human baby, fully God and fully Man here on earth to save us from our sins. John 3:16 is still the best verse for me to explain. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only son, that whoever believes in Him would not perish but have eternal life." We are all sinners. None of us can be good enough or perfectly holy no matter how we might try. The creator God loved us so much. Romans 5:8 says that ,"God demonstrates His own love for us, in while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." God sent His son to receive our punishment for sin, death on a Roman cross, for us. So that we may receive Jesus' reward for His righteousness, eternal life in Heaven. Not condemnation but grace through faith in Messiah Jesus.
What a blessed hope! What steadfast love! What mercy! Let's make time to really consider what Christ has done for us. Take a listen to this Keith Getty and Stuart Townend song.
***I wanted to correct some information in the above blog. This past Sunday my pastor gave good evidence for Jesus' birth occurring around December 25th. I had not heard this information before. Please listen to the December 16th sermon on the link provided when it posts if you are interested in learning more about the specifics on the historical time and account of Jesus' birth. Very good stuff!
Good job Cindy....glad to see you are blogging. Wonderful subject for your first post.Love you!
ReplyDeleteI love you too my sweet, Wendy. Personal message to come to you soon. :)